What's New
Join us on on the FIRST SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH from 9:00am-11am for Bird Banding with Scott Rashid (Director of the Colorado Avian Research and Rehabilitation Institute) followed by a casual bird walk at Equalizer Lake with Sheila Webber of the Fort Collins Audubon Society.
Participants meet at the High Plains Environmental Center, 2698 Bluestem Willow Dr. in Loveland, CO.
Join Scott, an expert Ornithologist, who will talk to the group about what bird banding is, which birds we may expect to see/band, and why bird banding is vital for collecting data on avian species, in addition to catching and banding live song birds, waterfowl, raptors, and other types of birds at HPEC. Sheila will then lead her monthly bird walk; You will likely see song birds, raptors, shore birds, and waterfowl.